It's Full of Stars

Ok so I know I said that the game was done and all that but, well, I lied. Here is an update, a BIG one!

I was asked by a playtester "What do the stars do?" and when I answered "They are worth a few points and restore health?" the response was a solid "meh".  Stars needed a change and now they have it! You can now collect stars as ammo, and you fire them with Left Mouse. Ive also tweaked some game modes to make them more unique, full changelog below

  • Stars no longer affect difficulty: Stars used to be tied to difficulty scaling, if you collected more stars the game scaled up slower. This is now removed.
  • Nerfed difficulty scaling to compensate: Because shapes no longer affect scaling, Ive nerfed it as compensation.
  • Stars worth 50 points instead of 5: Five points is a pittance, but fifty? Fifty is a BIG number!
  • Reduced player trails effect: Made the player trails just a bit fainter for performance reasons
  • Added the ability to shoot collected stars to destroy shapes: That star counter under the Score isnt just for bragging anymore, now its an ammo counter! Press LMB to fire a Star at the direction of your cursor. The Star will destroy any enemy shapes it touches, and can also collect any other Stars it hits for you
  • Increased star spawn rate: What with Stars now being a lot more crucial to gameplay I figured that player will need more of them, so they spawn a lot more often now.
  • Stars have a small chance to spawn in groups: Same idea as the previous part, Stars now can spawn in groups of up to 3.
  • Wave direction now always switches between waves: The Waves gamemode now always changes direction when a new Waves begins. In the past it would randomly pick a direction, this sometimes led to the same direction being picked over and over, which is boring. Now it swaps every wave to ensure variety.
  • Storm mode is now more hectic: I made shapes come from both sides more often in Storm mode, before it felt a bit like Waves But Faster, this fixes that.
  • Stream mode is now always from right to left: Stream mode now always goes in the same direction every time rather than choosing at the start of the game, this is mainly for consistency between plays.

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